Monday, August 17, 2009

i'm gonna miss you

you know what may be this is weird for youu
but i kinda scared to go to college

coz i dont know whether i can find the right friends or not
whether this is the perfect major for me or not
it's kinda creepy actuallyyyy

so you guys please help me
i will miss youu
all of you
my whole family my friends and my boyfriends
i loveee youuuu

hellooo this is myy campusss

looks like so small, huh?
well, here i am, in UCSI University,
starting my new life as a collage student,
well i'm not so sure,
but i'd try my best for this!
by the way, it's been 2 months i've been here,
it's quite good,
i'm happy as UCSI student,
in here, i've sooo many friends,
from iran, iraq, arabic, nigeria, india, and chinese,
they're very very friendly of course:)
so. i think i'm gonna stay here for a while, hehe

here it is, my fave actress so farr, zooey deschanel

thanks for her quirky personality and style
i adore her,muchooo

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mark Ronson, the guy that i've crush with

i can't take it. i'm falling in love with him, yes HIM, i mean Mark Ronson, this guy FYI is a producer, DJ, an a musician, well he's a brother of Samantha Ronson, the girl that Lindsay Lohan had a crush with, well not anymore, thanks God!

sorry for the lateee updatee

upsss sorry for the late update babyy
i just busy with me attending universityyy

so i'm going to Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
well i'm so glad that i finally go to college

here's the thing. may be it's not easy for me,
walking to live life by myself,
but i'm trying to
and i'm gonna make my whole family proud for me, yeay!

soooo speaking of major of college
i'm taking business admin as my major, then
i'm going to take fashion business as a further studies
sooo i'm so excited!!

cause... you know, art is my passion and so does fashion
bla bla bla
okay i'm gonna stop talking now
bye bye